Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Last Pre-Production Meeting for Week 1 of Shooting C-47 Report

I asked our director if he'd be okay with doing a behind-the-scenes vlog type thing as we go along. He loves the idea of doing a vlog but wants to keep it under wraps until the shoot is finished and it's out to potential networks. I think I'll be picking up a small HD Flip thingies so I can go guerrilla style. But unfortunately, you won't get to see anything until it's all done. I can still bloggy though!

Last night was our final pre-production meeting before this weekend. We have a gigantic set reconstruction for week 2 (96 hours of straight tear down and build up and set dress. ugh.) and who knows what hell week 3 will have in store for us. But we're all set for week 1.

There are four sets being shot this weekend. We walked through each set to discuss the scenes being shot. Out of the four, three of the sets require fx work which is where my team comes into place. This is the first time a lot of the crew will be working an effects show (and honestly, this is the first time I'll be working with green screen footage. I've done fx over plates that I had to paint out by hand and it's a bitch so I'm looking forward to getting some good keys). Some of the effects work will be straight CG replacements. Some of it will be compositing tricks. My job is to make sure the effects team gets what they need for whatever potential solution we'll be using for that effect.

I'm also really excited because we're shooting on the RED ONE. Even though we're outputting to 1080p HD, this sucker records at 4K! That's a huge amount of detail for any production which means our effects team will need to kick things to notches never before seen. I'm just excited to see the raw dailies.

I'll have more Thursday after a night of mural painting. Oh murals, how I love thee!

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